Thursday, March 20, 2008

Deja Vu

So the first time I went back to the clinic after having the girls was recently. I wanted to take them in sooner to show the nurses, office staff and docs. The girls had such a rough start and even rougher winter that I hated to expose them to germs. Consequently the first time I took them in was for my pre-testing when they were 8 months old.

On the drive over I was actually nervous... like butterflies in my stomach nervous. When I got there and went in it felt like returning to the scene of a crime. All of the girls in the office remembered me immediately and fawned all over the girls. I felt like crap sitting there with my beautiful babies knowing that someone in that office did NOT need to see babies that day. That part was a struggle. It was so weird being in a place I spent so much time in but under such different circumstances.

I vow not to bring the girls back unless I absolutely have to. It was very strange bringing them to the place that they were made. They even lived there (in a nice warm petrie dish) for a few days without me. You could almost say it was their first home of sorts.

Anyway, enough rambling.

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