Saturday, March 1, 2008

Risk of Multiples

Of the people who know we are doing IVf again the biggest questions are how will you fit more kids in your house and what if you have another set of twins. The first answer is easy... babies are small. They really don't require acres of space. We can make that work. The second is a bit trickier.

At our clinic the chances of twins when transferring 3 embryos (and we will ONLY do 2, no more) is 30.5% and triplets is 7.9% IF you get pg. The pregnancy rate is 43.1%. Bear in mind these numbers are for an average of 3 embies. So we know that it is possible. As much as I would love to experience life with a singleton I would also love another set of twins. I know how crazy it would be and I know how little sleep I would get... I have twins I can imagine. I just can't imagine not doing it because of the risk. Children are such a huge blessing and miracle for us that I would welcome them in any number.

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